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Teh stories:
From: unknown
One time, a teenager really wanted to ask out this girl he had a crush on for years. One day, he somehow got enough courage to ask her out. She said yes. They made plans for that Saturday, and the objective was to go to a well known resturant and dine there for the day.
There was only one problem; the poor guy had food poising that day, but he didn't want to cancel. He boarded the train with his date and tried his best to make sure she wouldn't notice his "condition." They passed through the subway station and made it into the resturant.
The teenager excused himself from the table and went to the restroom during the appatizers and once again during the main course. During desert, he desperatly needed to go to the bathrrom, but he didn't want to look like some kind of "bathroom freak." Discretely, he tried to "breathe" out some pressure. The plan backfired, and he accidentally soiled his pants.
He somehow managed to get through the dinner perfectly. On the couple's way back to the train, the teenager pointed to a Gap and asked, "Can I go in really quick. I want to buy a sweater I saw last week." She agreed. The man went strait to the pants isle as his date gracefully looked around for anything interesting.
The man walked up to the cashier with a sweater and a pair of pants. His eyes were locked on his date. "just the pants," he whispered to the cashier. They soon left the store and headed back to the subway station.
While on the train, the boy asked if he could be excused to the bathroom, once more. He ran to the miniature restroom in the back of the train, took off his pants and boxers, rolled them up into a ball, and threw them out the window. When he reached his hand into the Gap bag to pull out its contents, and, to his surprise, he pulled out...just the sweater.

From: blueplague | Posted: 4/23/2005 6:26:47 PM ,
gather 'round children, I have a nude story to tell...

I was invited to a party where almost all of my friends that I know were going to be there. I went into a soda chug contest, so I had to go relieve myself. I went to the bathroom, standing up of course, but then my body decided it had to take a dump. I didn't have time to sit down, so I just quickly pulled down my boxers and jeans just in time for the log to pass. Oh ****, it was on the floor. And on a shag throw rug. Now this was bad. Already two other guys were hammering on the door to take a whiz. So I pull up the pants, roll up the poopy rug, and opened the window and jumped out on the roof. The roof was fairly slanted, so I fell, caught myself from falling off, and the rug fell out of my hand, and the rug unrolled and the poop log rolled out onto the balcony, right on top of the party hoster, Devin. Everyone stopped talking and stared for 2 seconds, and started to laugh. She put her hand, and then screamed like bloody murder. I scrambled up and ran around the house in the cover of darkness. I leapt down onto a low spot and went inside the house. Bad luck, 10 people saw me run.

Needless to say, I was never invited to a party again.

From: Vdg X | Posted: 4/12/2005 10:05:15 PM |
.....Uhh....I have a bad memory so if this is really 17 than...this is an expansion pack or something.
Anyway I have a few new stories under my belt.I know it's only been about a week....>_> sad.
We kinda broke into the school's football field...No reason in particular.It was after midnight on a Saturday so nobody else was around.It was me,3 guys,and 2 girls.
I went into the cheerleader's shower room....because I could.I filled the place with grafitti and then got bored.I came back out and provided a challenge.
"Ok.We played good today!NOW LET'S HIT THOSE SHOWERS!"
I quickly ripped away my shirt and threw it down as I turned away.Then I pulled down my pants(Ass facing the group)I threw them to the side.I looked back,not turning my body,just my head.I told them to come on and ran to the showers.
The girls were all gasping for air after laughing.One of the guy's quickly did the same thing I did except with his arms in the air and a "WOOOOOH!"The other guy stayed with the girl.
I was joined by my shower partner.The water was very cold!I looked back and the others came to the entrance.I said"You're gonna get your clothes wet.Strip down and shower!"And started rubbing my wet hair.
This was not working as well as I had hoped.I was planning on them just seeing my butt and then I walked backwards and grabbed my clothes.Unortuanatly that couldn't happen with me being cornered.
I was still kinda hoping the girls would join.They didn't.I then realized I didn't have anything to dry off with.I waited for them to walk away.But it was clear they wanted to see a sausage.
I then turned off the freezing cold water and then reluctantly turned around.I was dripping and the girls laughed and gasped.I walked up to them and said what I could only think of...."Alright now let's dry off."then I ran outside and ran across the field naked.The other showerer came out and dressed.
My clothes were of course stolen and one of the girls said"You're soaking wet,you can't ride in the truck."Which was a dare.That I accepted.That wasn't smart.
I got in the back of the truck and layed down.They drove into town and I layed as flat as possible.They looked out the back window to check one me.Then my friend did the worst thing possible.He stopped the truck to get gas!This was a crowded gas station,and I was laying down naked in the back.I heard some old guys talking by me.
The cold had started to set it,and we drove off.I was dry now.Then the guy turned off again and I realized where we were heading.This ass was about to take us to Wal-Mart.Then I took my chance.At the red light I jumped out,opened the side door and got in.I sat next to one of the girls in the front seat.It was a tight fit but she seemed rather comfortable,all things considered.I looked out the window to see a guy with a mullet,in a Camry look at me like I was nuts.We went home and I got dressed.....We also stole a chair from the football field.

From: BobTheFish | Posted: 4/15/2005 6:27:33 PM |
Right, I have a story...

I was outside in my garden on my trampoline and after bouncing around for a while, Im exhausted and I lie down on the trampoline. So Im lying there and I start thinking about stuff which eventually means thinking about hot girls. And of course I get a boner and I'm starting to think "I really need to fap." I couldn't go back inside because my family had friends round so I get off the trampoline and go into my garden shed. However, you couldnt lock it from the inside so I looked around me and found a toy gun which I subsequently used to hold the door shut. After closing the curtains, I pull down my pants and start fapping. So after fapping for a bit I look around the shed and I see this poster of the backstreet boys that my 19 year old sister put up many years ago. Before I looked away, the toy gun suddenly fell and the door swung open and my sister was there. So yeah, it looks like Im fapping to the backstreet boys. Took some explaining...

From: Vdg X | Posted: 4/16/2005 2:34:23 AM |
I can't remember if I've told this one or not.
A few years ago our school had this pool day thing.
Technically it was for all the little kids but we got to sort of hitch a ride.This is a double edged sword though.The dress code was severly changed...There are some girls who just should ALWAYS wear a one piece.
They set up all of these really wet events outside and filled the place with beach stuff.Now this day was great because it had many stories to behold.(I really can't remember if I've already told you this already,but it can't hurt)
There was a girl who's bikini top fell off.She was a few grades ahead of me and fully developed.Then there was this kid who was the king of plumber's crack.Best of all a guy got completely depansted on the slippin slide.He quickly manuvered to end up on his naked butt and then came to the end with his unit actually set on a girl's bare foot.She screamed and thenkicked him back to the other end of the slide.He then had to run to the office to hide,and of course the office staff was all there and a lot of other kids.And stuff like that.
Since the whole school took part in this,we couldn't all go in the locker room.
We had to each go to our classrooms(Just the guys) and change.We had to because after 2:45 the dress code was back to normal.The thing is many of us didn't know we were supposed to change,or if we did,we didn't know we'd be changing in the same room.
Many of us didn't wear underwear,and wear trying to keep ourselves unseen.I recall there was one guy who didn't know we had to change so didn't bring any clothes.So he asked what he should do.....So he was pants'd and his shorts flung across the room.Our teacher(Female) stood outside the door with the girl group and would occasionally crack the door and give us a time limit.
So after the sausage fest had died down the pants'd guy was the only one naked.The teacher opened the door WIDE OPEN and said"Alright that's enough time!"and was about to come in with the girl's when she spotted the lone ranger.She said "Jeez!"and slammed the door,but 2 girls got a glimpse of his twig and berries.
He eventually borrowed some clothes and we swapped out.Girl's inside,boys out.They were changing and we had to wait.But we remembered about the window and ran outside.We spied in and could see a lot of skin but couldn't make out much,only a few asses.
The next day the school was all atalk of the slider,the topless girl,and everything else.I hate school but that day rocked.

Stupid people piss me off.